Part I - the Camping Trip: Early Saturday morning we started driving to South Mountain State Park for a camping trip. We took two cars with Bobcat and I in one. On the way there, we talked about a lot of things... I told her about my new job, we talked about how we'd survive if society collapsed. At one point I mentioned our failed attempts to get a puppy recently. Bobcat commented that it was probably a good thing since it opened us up for something serendipitous to happen. This way a pet could just walk into our life when the time was right. She really said that... also, this is called foreshadowing. We hiked into South Mountain State Park on a Saturday around noon. Wolf, Bobcat, myself, Badger, Dragon and a new Raven Scout... he hasn't picked a name yet so I'll call him Hawk until he decides. This was Badger's first camping trip and the weather was perfect. The time passed pretty quickly as we hiked up the mountain...