
Showing posts from July, 2019

Into the great wide open

Well, it's been an embarrassing while, hasn't it? Apologies; life has been busy. To be honest, we've been very, very, extraordinarily busy doing all sorts of stuff Raven-Scouts-applicable - we just haven't been documenting it. What a disaster. In this very-weird day and age, if you didn't document it, did it even happen? Hell yeah it happened.  (View at the top of Big Bald on the Nort h Carolina Appalachian Trail) (Mouse, Badger and Bobcat taking in the deep woods of Southern Appalachia) (Mason Farm Biological Reserve on a fall evening) (Badger in the first morning light at Eno River State Park) (Mouse, Wolf, Gypsy and Badger on a Thanksgiving backpacking trip at Uwharrie National Forest) (Badger and Wolf on a long snow hike during a southern blizzard) (Learning how to backpack and build a fire in the freezing rain and ice in Uwharrie National Forest) (Wolf on a very long, very early, very cold winter bike ride to meet Bob...